Pengabdian Terhadap Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Optimalisasi Pendidikan Di Desa Tugu Sempurna

  • Ahmad Taufik STAI Bumi Silampari Lubuklinggau
  • Chusnul Ngatiyah STAI Bumi Silampari Lubuklinggau
  • Roibah Roibah
  • Sahidul Anam
  • M. Nabil Kenedi
  • Rupita Sari
  • Sella Anggraini
Keywords: Community Service; Optimization; Education in the village


Education is used as a form of organized effort to create beautiful circumstances and educational experiences. Fun learning is easier to recognize, so through community service activities in Tugu Sempurna Village in the field of education aims to participate in helping and collaborating to optimize education in Tugu Perfect Village. By using the PAR (Participatory action research) method. Students know the potential and take concrete actions in the form of optimizing education in the community. The result of this study is that Community Service is carried out through the first activities of formal education in schools in early childhood and elementary school by providing encouraging and fun learning tips. Non-formal education by conducting Qur'an literacy programs in mosques and landfills by providing Quran reading methods and children's interest in love of the Qur'an Third. Religious activities such as the Sholeh Children's Competition Festival are one of the programs to increase interest and enthusiasm for reading the Qur'an. Furthermore, collaborating with village officials, students and the community so that the program can be carried out smoothly and cooperation and support from the local community.
