Program Penyuluhan Stop Bullying Di Lingkungan Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Lingkungan Yang Aman Bagi Anak Di MI Bahrul Huda Compreng
The problem of bullying that often occurs in the educational environment, especially in schools, is a behavior that discriminates. The cause of bullying is in economic factors, there is a physical difference. Thus, it is necessary to prevent stop bullying through various ways such as providing education to elementary school students related to bullying problems. The implementation of stop bullying counseling was carried out at MI Bahrul Huda Sukaseneng, Compreng, Subang. The stages of this implementation include environmental socialization, implementation of providing education to students through a sharing system, discussion or question and answer, and conducting evaluations. The purpose of stop bullying counseling is to increase students' awareness of violence and discrimination. This implementation includes grade 4 and grade 6 students. The result of the implementation of counseling is that it can have implications for students on awareness of violence, and can understand that bullying is something that must be avoided.
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