Edukasi Kepengurusan Jenazah Melalui Mahasiswa Kukerta STAI BS Lubuklinggau Di Desa Sukamana Musi Rawas
The funeral management education program carried out by students of the STAI Bumi Silampari Lubuklinggau Real Work Lecture located in Sukamana Village, STL Ulu Terawas District, Musi Rawas Regency, aims to improve community understanding and skills in funeral management in accordance with Islamic teachings. This activity includes theory and direct practice regarding the procedures for bathing, shrouding, praying, and burying the dead. This program was responded positively by the village community who previously had minimal knowledge about the correct procedures in handling corpses. Increasing the community's understanding and skills in caring for the body in accordance with Islamic teachings The results of this activity show a significant increase in the community's understanding and ability to take care of the body independently and in accordance with sharia. This education is expected to be a valuable provision for the people of Sukamana Village in dealing with grief situations more calmly and in a directed manner. This education is supported by the role of the Sukamana village government in the education of funeral management is to encourage the socialization of management and the right procedures in dealing with the situation and provide resources including funds, facilities and manpower to support the socialization of funeral management.
Copyright (c) 2024 Fitriyani, Zainal Azman, Hendri Kelana, Imroatun Khasanah, Sadeta, Delimasari, Putri Zailina Islami
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